
Biosphere Reserve


One of the 7 Natural Wonders of Ukraine

Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" the Friedrich Eduardovich Faltz-Fein is the oldest steppe reserve in the world, one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Ukraine, part of the hundred most famous protected areas of the planet, already celebrated its centenary.

It is located in Chaplinka near Kherson oblast and covers an area of 33.3 thousand hectares, including reserve steppe (core) zone and a buffer zone of a typical land use.

It is considered one of the old steppe Biosphere Reserve on the planet and the largest among European steppe reserves. The biological diversity of steppe ecosystems has more than 500 species of plants and over 3,000 animal species.

Over 1,000 animals, such as zebra and antelope, bison and buffalo, deer and wild horses live in semi-free conditions in Askania Nova.


In Arboretum around 1030 woody plants and over 680 species of herbaceous are located. It is the largest arboretum steppe zone of Ukraine, which since 1983 has a status of a national park.

Many species disappeared in the last two centuries in the vast expanses of the steppes of Eurasia past, there continue to exist as usual: stippa Ukrainian, Stipa lessingiana, Stipa capillata, Tulipa scythica and Tulipa schrenkii , Sarmat bellovaliya, Allium regelii, cornflower Taliyeva, Carom billiards and others.

Half of the flora of Askania consists of perennial herbs. Also, there are many members of the Red Book of Ukraine - plants, fungi, lichens.


The Azov-Black Sea migration corridor passes through the current territory of the reserve, where more than 250 species of birds, in tens or in huge clusters of 40,150 and even 500 thousand individuals pass through. Askania Nova is one of the main points in the Northern Black Sea spring and autumn clusters of gray cranes - up to 44 thousand individuals, wintering  great bustard  - 2500 individuals, white-fronted goose, mallard and many other species.

Among the mammals living in the desert are badger, fox, wolf, hare, set by a number of glires. Reptiles include a number of rare species: Sarmatian snake, steppe viper, coronella. In general, wildlife protected area has 69 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, 295 protected by Berne Convention, 104 by Bonn Convention, 12 are included in the European Red List.

Going to Askania-Nova, do not forget your camera! Otherwise, no one will believe your stories about local natural wonders!


Askania Nova Reserve inhabits animals from different continents. This is the only zoo in the world that holds steppe antelope saiga. Only in Askania Nova you can get healthy milk of African antelope kana.


In spring and summer from the early morning the desert is full with singing larks and field crickets. About 120 ostriches brought from Australia, South America and Africa live here. Pheasants and peacocks are wandering around the park, together with the huge number of swans, flamingos, cranes, wild geese and ducks.

Here you will see rare representatives of the bird kingdom which has more than 60 species.


There are 6 species of reptiles. The most common one is lizard warbler. Also, there are fourlined snakes and yellow bellies snakes in small numbers, as well as ordinary serpents and verdigris. Among the venomous snakes there are steppe vipers. The number of steppe vipers has declined sharply over the last 10 years.


Up to 20 zebras, Przewalski horses and other animals graze in the open desert during the summer. Such mixed herds have very unusual exotic look. During the winter zebras are kept in stables. Askania Nova contains several species of zebras, including zebra Chapman, Grant, and Greve.

Transcontinental value Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"

Faltz-Feyn's tradition of breeding animals, not only in zoo cages but also in steppes further developed in the reserve. Askaniya zoo long remained one of the biggest parks in the world, as well as a center of scientific research for the animals preservation and return to the wild. Askania Nova made a major contribution to the preservation of rare species - Przewalski's horse. In 1992, after a long absence in the wild it was successfully returned from Askania Nova Reserve and the Netherlands to Hustan-Nuru near Ulan Bator.

Askania Nova, first in the world began experiments on artificial insemination in the early twentieth century, which gave an incredible boost in livestock development. Today there is no zoo in Ukraine and former Soviet Union, where there are no living ungulates or birds of Askanian origin. Many species of birds that live in the zoo, have the opportunity to migrate to other parts of the world. Location of Askanian animals' settlement stretches from France to Western Transbaikalia and the New Earth to the Blue Nile. 


Adress: 13, Frunze Street., 75230, Askania Nova, Chaplynskyy district, Kherson region
E-mail: askania.zap@gmail.com


Order tour by phone:

tel / fax: (05538) 06 12 86;
mob. 0996562344 - Manager
or by Email: askania-eco@mail.ru 

Information about schedule of buses to Askania Nova


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